When you are looking for a job, and are invited for a job interview, you want to make a great impression (and land that job). The internet is full with tips and tricks on how to prepare for a successful interview, but how do you prepare for a job interview in a different country? Cultural aspects may come into play that can impact your performance.
Natasha Gousseva, senior lecturer at Zuyd University of Applied Sciences and researcher at the research centre Professional Communication in a Digitalizing Society, experienced this herself when she – from Eastern European descent – applied for jobs in Western Europe. She also saw Zuyd students struggling when applying for internships in Eastern Europe. This encouraged her to look into digital possibilities to prepare for a job interview in a Central and Eastern European setting.
With the help of the software DialogueTrainer she designed and developed two interview scenarios in which an avatar plays the role of an interviewer with an Eastern European background. It is now possible to simulate a job interview, after which immediate feedback is given on your performance.
Natasha shares her insights on key cultural differences that may influence the course of job interviews between Western European candidates and Eastern European interviewers in a podcast that is available here (in Dutch).