How to GMM?
What is the Global Mind Monitor?
Reading your results from the Global Mind Monitor
Working with the Global Mind Monitor
Reflecting with the Global Mind Monitor
What is the added value of the Global Mind Monitor? Why should I use it?
The GMM gives insight in your Cultural Intelligence (CQ), Multicultural Personality (MPQ) and in your thoughts, feelings and actions when it comes to sustainability issues. Our model is inspired by the new PISA global competence framework developed by the OECD, that also links global competence to UNESCO’s Sustainable Development Goals. Students can fill out the monitor once or multiple times, to see their scores and development on these different topics. The results are very useful for reflection purposes with students and can be downloaded for use in portfolio’s and reports.
I would like to try out the Global Mind Monitor to see if it could be of use for our students. Can I book a demo?
We are happy to see you have an interest in the Global Mind Monitor and you are very welcome to try it out! Please send a mail to and we will set up a demo for you.
How much does it cost to use the Global Mind Monitor in my university?
Unfortunately in today’s world you don’t get something for nothing, and this also holds for the GMM. The price is calculated per invited student and is currently set at € 4,95 per invite. To give an example: in case you want to use the GMM longitudinally and want students to fill it out every year during the course of their studies (4 years) it will cost 4 x € 4,95.
How can students see their results?
When students fill out the Global Mind Monitor (once or multiple times), they are redirected automatically to their personal results page, where they can see their scores and compare them with other users who filled out the GMM before. Together with their scores, the results platform presents a short description on how to interpret the score.
Is the Global Mind Monitor only developed for use in Higher Education?
The current GMM is developed for use in higher education (universities and universities of applied sciences). This is not to say it cannot be used in other contexts (senior secondary education) but especially the background questions will not always be equally relevant. In the near future we plan to have a GMM for use in vocational training ready.
My mentor or teacher told me that they have sent an invitation for a GMM measurement, but I did not receive the invitation. What should I do?
Please check your spamfolder thoroughly, otherwise contact our helpdesk at Please include your name and e-mail address.
Why is the questionnaire so long?
We are sorry to hear that you experience it that way. To get reliable insights the entire set of scientifically validated questions should be answered. However, your feedback and suggestions are always welcome since we keep further developing the tool.
Can I take a break while filling out the questionnaire?
Yes, you can take a break while filling out the questionnaire. Your answers will be saved in between. You can continue your questionnaire by signing in at this page.
I have filled out the Global Mind Monitor multiple times. How can I see my previous results?
If you select the ‘Trend-graph’ in the visual, you can see the development of your score throughout the measurements.
How much time do you need to fill out the Global Mind Monitor?
It will take around 20-25 minutes to fill out the GMM. We know that sounds long, but it will be definitely worth your while!
What happens with my data?
The data are treated according to the General Data Protection Regulation. Aggregated, anonymous data can be used for research, for which an individual GMM user can opt out. An higher education institution can always ask for a data-dump of its own, aggregated data. This always happens in close collaboration with Zuyd’s Global Minds @ Work Research Center. Please send an email to for more information
Is the GMM safe to use?
Yes, the Global Mind Monitor is completely safe to use. Etil Research Group is ISO27001 certified and has taken the required measures to make sure your data is safe. Every day, we learn about the newest security options regarding data protection and update the Global Mind Monitor where necessary.
How often do I need to use the Global Mind Monitor with my students?
This is entirely up to you to decide. If you want to use it once, to give students insight in where they stand at a particular moment, or multiple times to see a development over time, it is all possible and there really is no limit. The only advice we give is to have a reasonable period of time between two measurements (not less than 3 months), and our experience says that 4 measurements during a 4-year study program is usually enough.
I would like to see the scores of my students. Is this possible?
The GMM results are private. You can only see the scores of your individual students if they agree to share their results with you. However, you can get an insight in the aggregated data by contacting
Is the Global Mind Monitor only available for students?
At this moment, the new version of the GMM (launched March 2023) is only available for students. However, in the future we plan to add the GMM for professionals.
Why should I trust the results of the Global Mind Monitor?
The questionnaire consists of a solid, reliable and relevant range of questions that are scientifically validated. You can find more information about the scientific background of our questionnaire on our model page
My students do not go abroad. Can I still use the Global Mind Monitor?
So-called ‘Global Minds’ can be developed in very different ways! A stay abroad is one of them, and indeed effective. But there are other ways to support the development of international and intercultural competence such as a culturally diverse classroom, regular international guest lecturers, cultural events such as an international week, virtual international collaboration, etc. So even when your students do not go abroad you can still use the Global Mind Monitor.
I would like to access my results, but my invitation link doesn't work anymore.
On this page you can enter your e-mail address and you will receive an e-mail with a link to enter your account. Don’t forget to check your spamfolder.
Can I add questions to the questionnaire, and take out some I don’t find useful?
Unfortunately this isn’t possible. We offer the GMM at an affordable price (that basically keeps the portal and helpdesk up and running), and you can imagine that a tailor-made GMM would be much more expensive. Besides, adjusting the questionnaire could compromise its scientific validation, something we’d rather avoid. But if you have great ideas or suggestions please let us know! We continue to further develop the tool and your opinion matters.
The questionnaire is not available anymore. What should I do?
The deadline of the measurement has probably been expired. Please contact your mentor or teacher at your school or university. The helpdesk can not decide for them whether a questionnaire should be re-opened again.
Can I fill out the Global Mind Monitor on my smartphone?
Yes you can. Please be aware that sometimes you need to switch to landscape mode for a better experience.
I participated in an older version of the Global Mind Monitor. Can I still access my results?
Yes, your results are transferred to the new version of the Global Mind Monitor. Make sure to sign in using the same e-mail address as before.
I have to create a research group and invite respondents for the GMM but I am a bit lost. Is there a manual I could use?
Yes, there certainly is! Click here for the instruction manual for administrators.
I am a user of the GMM. Is there a manual I can consult for information about the questionnaire and how to read the results?
Yes, there is! Please check this link for the instruction manual for students!
Has your question not been answered?
Please contact the helpdesk at