DIVE (describe – interpret – verify – evaluate)

Martine Prins
March 11, 2023
Martine Prins
March 11, 2023

This activity provides students with a model for that can help to postpone their judgment. Students will learn to differentiate between observations, interpretations and judgments, by slowing down their thought process and thinking critically to draw more and culturally relevant conclusions.

Learning Goals
By the end of the activity, students will be able to…

  • Define each step of the DIVE Model in the right order.
  • Distinguish the differences between observations, interpretations and judgments. 
  • Demonstrate critical thinking and analysis skills through describing, interpreting, verifying, and evaluating. 
  • Understand how this model can be useful in (intercultural) interactions. 

Target audience
This activity can be targeted to learners from primary school onwards. 

A good picture with ambiguous content. You can select one online, or create a collection from newspapers.
A flip-over or worksheet to write down the different elements of the exercise, and to brainstorm.

The activity will take between 5 minutes (plenary only) to 30 minutes (individual, peer and plenary).

The DIVE exercise can be done as part of a training or workshop on global competence development. It serves as an excellent ice breaker or conversation starter. It usually has 2 rounds:

  1. Introducing the DIVE model
  2. Practicing the DIVE model

A full and detailed description, including worksheet can be found here.

If you do it as part of a lecture, do not work with a flip-over, just have a spontaneous interaction with the audience by having them raise hands, describing what they see on the picture.

This is formative learning and should not be assessed. However, it can be part of a student’s reflection.

For more information please check How teachers can D.I.V.E into intercultural topics.

DIVE (describe – interpret – verify – evaluate)

by | Mar 11, 2023 | Toolkit