75% of the Dutch citizens has experienced some form of anxiety due to increased polarisation. Almost 1.5 million Dutch people say that the contact with colleagues, family or friends was reduced or even terminated by differences of opinion on societal issues. We surround ourselves with likeminded people, turn our back on people with a different opinion and even label them as enemies. At least this is what SIRE claims based on a study. SIRE (Stichting Ideële reclama) is an independent foundation that makes media campaigns for a broad audience. To enable debate and critical thinking and nudge people into action for a better society. SIRE recently started a media campaign against polarisation. With 12 ways to not lose one another. Explained in 12 short audio clips with concrete advice. SIRE starts bottom up in families and friend groups. Although they do not address polarisation at the root, it is a sympathetic start. And you can tell that SIRE is media savvy: people love lists.
12 ways not to lose one another: a Dutch campaign against polarisation
Ankie Hoefnagels
March 7, 2023
Ankie Hoefnagels
March 7, 2023