What’s new in the world of Global Citizenship Education?

Isabelle Grosch
July 3, 2023
Isabelle Grosch
July 3, 2023

On Thursday 22 June 2023, Tom Kuypers, Isabelle Grosch and Marlene van Heel-Bradbury of the Research Center Global Minds @ Work had the pleasure of attending the fourth UM Global Citizenship Education Symposium in Maastricht. It was an inspiring day filled with interesting keynote speakers, workshops and participants. The first keynote speaker, Eleanor Brown, a senior lecturer in Education at the Centre for Research on Education and Social Justice at York University, looked at how critical pedagogy and transformative learning play a role in global citizenship education. One important takeaway with regards to developing the students’ skillset of being a global citizen, was to remain open to the input of students, no matter how contrasting to your own, and to not be afraid to learn together with the students. Next, it was time to delve into a workshop on either citizenship for sustainability, decolonizing the curriculum or building character strength through improv. After much discussion, movement and laughter (especially at the improv workshop) it was time for lunch and trying out the VR as a tool for teaching intercultural awareness or attending the brown bag session on Woke as Science.

Both activities went by quickly and soon we were once again seated and listening to the second keynote speaker, Wiel Veugelers, Emeritus Professor of Education at the University of Humanistic Studies in Utrecht. Wiel presented an analysis of various recent developments in theory, policy and practice of moral and citizenship education and suggested that the moral and political are connected elements in global citizenship. Wiel’s thought-provoking lecture was followed by more workshops on either transdisciplinary education, the student-teacher relationship or managing intercultural conflict and violence. Finally, the day closed with a panel discussion and networking with drinks and delicious savoury pastries. To sum up, it was a symposium filled with useful insights, questions which made you reflect on your own practice, invigorating discussions with other participants, and much laughter. All in all, a successful day.

What’s new in the world of Global Citizenship Education?

by | Jul 3, 2023 | News, News featured home